The project begins with an exploration of the interaction between architecture and the urban context, achieved through the manipulation of the building's boundary conditions.
The design focuses on two key characteristics of the boundary conditions:
First, the ability to accommodate various events across different layers and flexibly rearrange their sequence;
Second, the capacity to create uncertainty and ambiguity among multiple relationships, such as private and public, interior and exterior, existence and void, centrifugation and centralization, particularly in the spatial context of Mexico City.
Wonne Ickx
GSD 2017课程设计
GSD 2017 Spring Option Studio_Moving things around, Exploring Rossi's Small Scientific Theatre

The boundaries, the spaces between them, the forest of columns, and the cores glowing behind the mist — all these elements recreate the spatial characteristics of Mexico City.

In Mexico City, instead of establishing a clear boundary between indoors and outdoors, various approaches are used to define spaces, such as porticos that separate plazas from gardens, canopies that define areas for street vendors, and street trees that divide pedestrian walkways from avenues.

The building has the ability to interact with the surrounding surfaces and collaboratively create new urban conditions.

In 1978, Aldo Rossi created the model of the Scientific Theater, viewing it as a tool for exploring urban composition. Similarly, the tools of design also influence the design process itself.